Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Goal (Thanks Rob!)

So, I am perusing my blog the other day and notice that there is a comment from Rob Andrews there. Cool. He mentions that there was a guy he knows that was over here that set himself a goal of bicycling 10,000 k while he was here. Now, that sounded like a great idea to me. However, with only 90 days left in my mercifully short Air Force tour here, 10,000k sounded a little daunting to me. So, I considered the amount of time left and, well, let's face it, my advancing age, and determined that a good beginning goal would be 1,000 miles. So I have begun the task of cranking out 1,000 miles on the stationary bike before leaving in August. Now, I have other physical training I'm doing, so will only be biking every other day, and of course not working out on Sundays. So, that means I will be biking 25 miles a day each time I'm in there. I'm already behind. I started today and got a late start so only had time to bike 10 miles (about 20 minutes). So, Thursday I'll have to get an earlier start and get in 35 miles. So, this gives me something to shoot for, which will help the time pass as I have something to strive for besides just counting the days until I leave. Thanks for the idea Rob. I'll be keeping ya'll updated on how I'm doing as the days go by. Hopefully that won't be too embarrassing for me.


Anonymous said...

If only a little of your enthusiam would rub off on me. I'd do well to ride a bike at all. Keep up the good work. Stay safe.
Love ya,

Melissa Ortolani Purser said...

Too bad you can't actually bike 1000 miles...I love riding my bike, I ride it to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays and up to campus sometimes. It sounds like a good idea though. Good luck!

Jen said...

I think it is a great goal as long as you have a bigger bike than that picture! :0) I want to train for a triathlon but I can never find the time with D turning into a monster and destroying the house!

Anonymous said...

Just keep hydrated! Sheryl (my sister) got out and about for the first time the other day (in Balad) and dehydrated pretty quickly. Over here I try to drink a bottle (22 oz) per hour of riding. I'd recommend more over there, and add in some Gatorade or similar drink. Have fun!

Rob (randrews1@sbcglobal.net)